Jito (Re)staking

Jito (Re)staking is a multi-asset staking protocol for node consensus networks. The protocol tokenizes staked assets as vault receipt tokens for enhanced liquidity and composability. Node consensus networks can use Jito Restaking to easily customize staking parameters, slashing conditions, and economic incentives to tailor their security and tokenomics.


Network Program Address Version
Testnet Restaking 78J8YzXGGNynLRpn85MH77PVLBZsWyLCHZAXRvKaB6Ng 0.0.1
Testnet Vault 34X2uqBhEGiWHu43RDEMwrMqXF4CpCPEZNaKdAaUS9jx 0.0.1
Devnet Restaking 78J8YzXGGNynLRpn85MH77PVLBZsWyLCHZAXRvKaB6Ng 0.0.1
Devnet Vault 34X2uqBhEGiWHu43RDEMwrMqXF4CpCPEZNaKdAaUS9jx 0.0.1

API Documentation


This project is licensed under the Business Source License 1.1 - see the LICENSE.md file for details.

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